Monday, August 21, 2006

A little bit of light at the end of the tunnel

Last week I managed to do precisely nill training. I find it incredibly difficult to actually do every day things like get up, go to work and all the rest of it, and figure out where to find time to do training. Part of it is down to my state of mind at any given moment however, and last week was no good in this respect.

By contrast, this morning, the first morning of the week, I managed to get up, go for a run*, do a tiny bit of washing up, put a wash load in the machine, have a shower, eat the lovely breakfast that Paul made for me and make my sandwiches. And get to work 15 minutes early. What's all that about then?

The run* is presented as run*, because I have, with the help of the slightly-less-evil-genius-than-he'd-like-to-have-you-believe PJ helped me come up with a semi-fast walk, semi-jog which is slower, but much easier to do, and I managed to keep going for a lot longer and didn't struggle with the lack of oxygen so much. Whether I can achieve this with a layer of fur on top of me remains to be seen, but there is at least the first tiny ray of light at the end of the tunnel in that today for the first time I could at least get round the course (dressed normally!) without collapsing entirely.

5 weeks to go...


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