Thursday, August 24, 2006

If I shut my eyes and count to three, I'll open them again to find it was all a dream...

Today I told everyone at work about our running and handed my sponsor form around. This act somehow turned something that we've idly been laughing and joking about for the last few months into something slightly realer and scarier.

I haven't been training since Monday, although I am trying to walk to places I'd normally get transport to, but it doesn't seem to be having much, if any, effect. I did think about trying to follow Trudi's lead, and walk to work, but W4 to SE1 would probably take me until it was time to go home. On the positive side I am going away this weekend (which usually would be a sign of excessive eating leading to extra unhealthiness), but the place we're staying in has both a gym and a swimming pool, so I have NO EXCUSE. (That's in capitals so that when I re-read this i'm clear about the level of excuse I have for not training).

I, like Trudi, rejected the gym option for training for this, mostly because a. it's expensive and in the gym is great (apart from the actual exercising element involved) - it's warm, instant showers and you get to watch telly while you run. Which is somewhat different to the real world of hills, hard pavements and rain.

At least I now have the extra motivating factor of a sponsor form filled out by the kind people I work with, so that every time I feel disheartened I can look at it and remind myself that if I don't do it, I won't raise the money for charity. Which I really really REALLY want to do. Not least so that I can see Trace's face when she sees me and Trudi dressed as Badgers...

I'd still like to wake up and find it's all a dream though. Anyone got a magic machine that could make that happen? Anyone?



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