Badgerdise update
Negativity begone! How could I stay morose and panic stricken after seeing these little beauties?

These are the same 2.25" badger badges that we're selling through CafePress. Here at Badger Towers we've realised that, best intentions aside, the cost to UK people is a little prohibitive when you include overseas postage and packing, and less of your hard-earned cash goes to Cancer Research, and that's not really what we're about. So we decided to order some in ourselves to sell on to you at a cost of 2 pounds a piece including UK postage and packing. 1.50 of this goes direct to Cancer Research, the rest is the price of a stamp and a small contribution towards the production cost of the badge. We've only got a few to sell at the moment but will be ordering in a load more which should be with us before the Great North Run. You can send your money via PayPal, and I will add the total collected to the offline donations bit of our justgiving page. Please send an email to first so that I can confirm I still have a badge to send you, and give you the paypal details!
shiny shiny shiny precious!
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