Sunday, September 10, 2006


I've not had the greatest week on record, for reasons not necessary to go into here, but once again outside forces seem to have conspired against me focussing on the badger quest. It's so hot, and even the thought of running tires me out. As discussed at length previously, I will be mostly walking the 'run' but have the distinct advantage over most people in that my legs are a lot longer than theirs are to start with, and my walking pace at full pelt is a lot faster than many people's jogging pace. When I read Trudi's blog earlier this week I felt really bad, 'cos I do have a massive fear that I won't finish it because of not being fit enough, but if I am fit enough, then my long legs will help get me through it. It's a ridiculous thing to feel guilty about, because I can't help my size anymore than anyone else, but it feels like I'm cheating in some way. Inevitably of course, I've also been given a different starting block from Trudi (we had to estimate our finishing times when we entered the race) and now I'm really torn between dropping back and starting with her because we said we'd both walk it, and knowing that I might not do myself any favours because I need to walk at my pace, as if I walk too slowly I get cramp in my leg, but my pace is unfair on Trudi because she's smaller than me and her legs don't stretch as far. I don't know if it makes Trudi feel any better to know that when I got my race pack this week I was gripped with a complete and utter dread beyond anything I could imagine, but I can't imagine it does, as it didn't make me feel any better to know she was petrified too. As for deciding about where to start from, a quote from 'Pirates...' springs to mind: "Even a good decision if made for the wrong reasons can be a wrong decision".


At 6:20 AM , Blogger Me said...

Dude, if we both finish it'll be great, however we do it! Don't worry about the different starting blocks, (unless you fancy starting together and then zooming off ahead - I won't be offended, we always knew I was a shortarse!)

We will at least be able to confuse people who could have sworn they saw that strange badger-like being half an hour earlier...I *am* going to make you wear deely boppers though!


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