Good grief
...If there's one thing that brings out the nutters, it's OTHER nutters. I mean whilst Trudi and I still stuffing our faces with chocolate and wine in order to recover from the news that we got places for Badgerthon 2008 we ALREADY had some mad nutters in the form of Damian and amy give us some sponsorship. You guys are amazing. We (obviously, but truly) COULD NOT do this without you. You give us joy in those long dark moments when we're contemplating whether we can bear doing any training or not...thank you, thank you, thank you.
Then, just as the dust was settling, the even greater news is that Bruce from the 'Their Hearts Caught Fire" camp ALSO got a place. 3 BADGERS! That's only 1 badger short of a full contingent of badgers in Kiss make-up...and hey, no-one knows what the drummer looks like anyway ;) AND THEN it turns out there's also Andy, Ruth and Chris. That's 5 badgers!!!! FIVE BADGERS!!! Your suggestions on a postcard for the 5 badger line-up please...
And yes...IF the badger camp raises £5,000 this year (hey, I'm not making this easy on purpose you know) I will jump off something large (probably the bridge over the Tyne) attached to a rope disguised as a badger. There are a couple of caveats to that 1. This WON'T be on the day of the Badgerthon (!) and 2. as I'm absolutely terrified of heights I might strap myself to another lunatic just to make sure I jump...
All together now... WALK, LIKE, A FURRY BADGER...
Six badgers, dude :o)
Go get some more chocolate!
s'ok..if she thinks 2 + 1 + 3 = 5 maybe noone will notice if I go missing before the start of the run ?
Oh god. I realised I got this wrong at 8 this morning. I'm excluding myself from the run Bruce, not you!!! Can I just say....never blog in a hurry!
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