Monday, September 01, 2008

Motivational money making!

Hey y'all

I KNOW this is a training blog, but lets be honest, it's a month to the didn't seriously expect that I would have done some training did you? Ok, even I did by this point - but lets consider my previous track record of non-training and then examine if we're surprised I've completely failed to get motivated to get off my backside yet...

BUT what we have done is set up our fundraising pages and THIS is the bit, if anything, that will motivate me. ALREADY people have been generously sponsoring us, which is just completely awesome, because it makes all of this pontificating, worrying, training (if we did any ;) ) and the pain of the day itself worthwhile.

We've expanded out fundraising this year to include Marie Curie Cancer Care - which was a charity Trace was fond of, and subsequently was a group we always wanted to raise money for in addition to our money-raising for Cancer Research. Therefore if you would like to sponsor us then you can choose which of these great causes you'd like to donate to - perhaps you've had experience of one or the other and want to give something back.

Our Marie Curie fundraising page can be found at:

And the Cancer Research page at:

Thank you so much for your support - to everyone who has already sponsored us and to all of those intending to...massive badgery hugs!



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