Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Slightly less pain than a chainsaw to the head ?

It's just over a month to go before the Great North Walk Run, a fact punctuated today by the arrival of my race number in the post. This reminded me that there were a couple of things I'd meant to do regularly before the big day a) Blog and b) Train. Hmmm

I'll try and address a) with a little of the background I actually intended to write back in February when I signed up for this badgery madness.

Last year I put helped put together 'Their Hearts Caught Fire', an album of Dogs D'Amour songs recorded 'by the fans, for the fans' (but for one fan in particular) All the proceeds from that and the related fund raising activities (to date close to £1500) have gone to Cancer Research UK in memory of Trace. 'Hearts' was fun, and whilst it was sometimes repetitive (emailing folk, copying and pasting hundreds of myspace messages and filling out those annoying 'captcha' boxes) it wasn't what I could really call 'hard work'. When Taz mentioned the GNR I though it sounded like a good opportunity to counter all the drunken fun we'd had recording and promoting our CD. I asked around to see if any of the other 'hearts' folk were interested in joining me but the majority of responses went along the lines of "I'd rather chainsaw my own head off". Now, call me an optimist but I reckon the pain of shuffling around 13 + miles of the Great North Run course will be slightly less than that, so here or I am, or rather there I will be, in just over a month !

Sponsor us for Marie Curie Cancer Care or Cancer Research UK



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